Tuesday, May 19, 2020

What Is A Topic Sentence In An Expository Essay?

What Is A Topic Sentence In An Expository Essay?This article will help you decipher what is a topic sentence in an expository essay. The topic sentence is the primary feature of an essay and it is the one that makes or break your final product. If your topic sentence is not up to snuff, your expository essay will likely lack strength and will be very easy to grade.What Is A Topic Sentence In An Expository Essay? A topic sentence is the primary sentence of your essay that sets the scene for your entire piece and provides the necessary background information to make a particular point. If you want to gain a better understanding of the rules that govern topic sentences, it is important to understand what your topic sentence should say.Your topic sentence should be an example of the type of information that a reader will be looking for, which is going to be in direct contrast to your personal experience. To illustrate this concept, take the following paragraph as an example. This paragra ph comes from a writer's point of view and describes what happened to her during her day at work. In this example, the subject of the essay is the topic sentence. The subject is the first part of the sentence that has the reader's attention and it is the part that make it interesting.The second part of the subject is the personal experience of the author of the essay. The personal experience part can help the reader to understand the author's point of view because the author has provided them with a specific example of their own experience. Remember, the objective of the topic sentence is to put the reader in the right frame of mind to find your point of view and hopefully learn something from it. That is why personal experience is so important in a topic sentence.The two parts of the subject sentence can be separated by a comma and no space between them. The main idea of the essay is not the part of the subject sentence. You should always use the main idea of the essay as the basis for all of your topics and parts. That way, when you are writing the main idea of your essay, you know where the reader is going and you have the opportunity to offer an alternate idea that will provide additional value to the reader.It is often easier to write a summary of the main idea of your topic sentence rather than attempting to capture the entire essence of the idea. As the essay progresses, the author can move on to a more focused outline or they can continue to explore and further explain the theme of the piece. When writing an expository essay, you need to give more thought to the language that you use when you are outlining and building your ideas into paragraphs. When writing your main idea for your topic sentence, it is best to write in the present tense.By using the present tense, the author will avoid any type of 'back story' that can make the piece harder to read. The essay will be very clear, concise, and will not confuse the reader when they read it. The best way to learn how to write a topic sentence is to begin with a topic of interest to you and learn how to introduce it to the reader by using the present tense.Finally, when you are writing an expository essay, remember that the most important part of your essay is your topic sentence. Don't waste your time on rehashing the points you made in your essay or trying to do too much, but instead write directly to the point you wish to make. With practice, you will be able to write a topic sentence and make your expository essay fascinating.

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